This is the upload page. This page is used to upload different kind of materiel to
Note, it require that your have create an account and are logged in, see the support pages for how to create an account. If you need help hos to upload then see the upload help page.
By click on the picture below you can upload the following to
Manuals, schematic, etc.
Have you manual, schematic, brochure or other files that not will fit into the upload types below then use this contact formula where you can write to webmaster.
Maybe you also have some ideas for what type of material that will suggest, then you are also more than welcome to write some lines about your idea. You are always welcome to contact webmaster, but you should NOT contact webmaster I you need some modification or manuals, all material that have is already online and such inquiries will be ignored. |
Pictures of equipment like, radio, PA, power supply, antenna tuner or other commercial equipment when it is the product that is in focus. Also picture inside the equipment is very welcome.
You should NOT upload one picture of your entire radio shack. This is dedicated to product pictures. |
If you have made a modification to existing commercial equipment. e.g. improvement of modulation, solving heat problem, extend frequency range on radio like Yaesu, Icom Alinco, Heathkit or other, this it is a modification, and you should select this to upload. Modification can also be improvement of the RX sensitive, noise reduction, or solving a known problem. |
Have you made a construction of an new antenna, Power amplifier, SWR bridge or other interesting equipment that other radio amateurs can use, you should select option. The different between modification and homebrew is that modification is on commercial equipment like Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood, MFJ etc. Homebrew is where you have design the construction from the beginning, or you can have read some article where you was inspire to create the construction. |